Sometimes the simplest foods get overlooked. You know – those foods that you have been eating since childhood, that your mother taught you to make when you were eleven, and now is as natural to make as is pouring cereal into a bowl.
So the egg in the nest – some people call it an egg in the hole – is, in my opinion, the most satisfying meal that I make for myself. Yes, I said meal. One of the many reasons why I love this dish is that you can eat it anytime. The purity of the ingredients – eggs, bread, butter and salt and pepper – are what make this dish so delightful.
So, as in the name, many people make one hole in the bread. I am usually a one hole gal – mainly as a result of the restrictions of glass sizes. Yes, I make the hole (s) with a glass. Be careful, when pushing the glass through the bread, but this is one of the things that can make this fun. Can you imagine my delight when my mother handed me a juice glass, and told me to press it to make a hole in my bread?!! Amazing!!! So, on this particular day I looked for the glass of choice. Then I found this Flintstone Jelly Jar, which was given as a gift to my wife by a dear friend as a memento of her childhood. So today, I got to have two holes!
Toast the bread in a little butter in the pan. Melt a little more butter in each hole, drop in the egg and listen to that heartwarming sound of an egg sizzle. Sprinkle in a little salt and pepper. After a few minutes (really two maybe three) take a deep breath – hope there was enough butter in the pan – and with a spatula, flip the toast to cook the other side. Another minute and now you are ready to slide this delight onto your plate. Don’t forget to toast the holes in the pan!
May 3, 2019 at 1:28 pmI can attest – it was delicious!!!
Jack aftel
May 3, 2019 at 6:22 pmThanks Sarah!
Love the blog!
Rhonda Goren
May 9, 2019 at 6:34 amMy fav dish! My BFF makes it for me every time, I stay over in the city. I just sent her your recipe!
May 18, 2019 at 2:19 amOne of my faves from childhood and making them for my kids – but that bread looks much better! What is that?!